Wash Your Mouth Out Podcast

Feminist Fathering with Rad Dad writer himself, Tomas Moniz.

Episode Summary

We chat with Tomas Moniz about his two decades of feminist fathering & how the riot grrl movement influenced his parenting. He reads us some of his brilliant poetry on these relationships and we chat about his sweet books for tiny kids and adults. Tomas is the author of the Rad Dad, Rad Families, Big Familia and The Collaboration/ La Collaboratión and a zillion zines.

Episode Notes

We chat with Tomas Moniz about his two decades of feminist fathering & how the riot grrl movement influenced his parenting. He reads us some of his thoughtful poetry on these relationships and we chat about his sweet books for tiny kids and adults. Tomas is the author of the Rad Dad and Rad Families, Big Familia and The Collaboration/ La Collaboratión, and a zillion zines. He is the recipient of multiple writing awards and resides in the bay area.
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